Specialized lyceum "Arystan"
To improve the quality of human resources and to meet the needs of the individual and society within the framework of realization of State programme goals in educational development of the Republic of Kazakhstan the project of secondary school Specialized lyceum "Arystan" was realized which provides for the modernization of the national system of multilevel education.
The project was implemented by the Public Foundation "Nursultan Nazarbayev Educational Foundation" whose Director is doctor of pedagogical sciences Kulibayeva Dinara Nursultanovna. Lyceum is a branch of the Foundation. The principal aim of this project was to create a non-governmental (private) specialized secondary educational institution of a boarding school type with advanced study of physics, mathematics, computer science, English and Kazakh. Also to supply the higher Military institutions of Kazakhstan with all-round developed and intelligent adolescents, who wish to devote themselves to public service. Lyceum students are educated and supported on a free basis due to the social focus of the project.
Children from needy families and families with many children have a priority right in admission. Excellent students have an opportunity to get a scholarship in the amount of ten thousand tenge.
The main objective of the Lyceum is to give a high level of education for boys and form such features as courage, endurance, perseverance, strong character, high culture, a developed sense of patriotism and civic duty. Lyceum Graduators should be able to fulfill their constitutional and civic responsibilities, while serving in the force structures of sovereign Kazakhstan.
The Arystan lyceum has commenced its operation since January 2011. Students from all regions of Kazakhstan study at the lyceum from the ninth to eleventh grade.
Students can be enrolled on a competitive basis, namely after taking enrollment tests on the core subjects as mathematics and physics, as well as the Kazakh, Russian and English, and after successful passage of professional-psychological selection (including IQ tests), medical examination, and examination of physical training.
A modern educational complex was created in the picturesque foothills of Zailiyskiy Alatau in the suburbs of Almaty, in Beskainar village, Talgar district (the former territory of the camp “Isqorka”) to educate and accommodate lyceum students.
The Lyceum is equipped with modern classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, information-library with more than 20 thousand course books and fiction items and in the required amount of Internet.
High level of teaching is provided by the use of modern technologies and highly qualified teaching staff. There is one Doctor of Education, 10 high qualified teachers, 11 first category teachers and 5 military specialists at the Lyceum.
In the required amount of interactive whiteboards, projectors, computers (one computer per two students) are used at lessons, which give opportunities to use modern forms and approaches of training.
With the intention of forming all-round developed individual the complex of educational works and conditions for carrying out interesting cultural activities based on the culture and leisure center has been created. There is a wonderful auditorium for 240 seats with modern facilities, full composition of brass band and vocal instrumental ensemble. World-wide mega star, violinist M.Bisengaliev, Honoured Artists of Kazakhstan N.Nusipzhanov, M.Ilyasova, chamber orchestra of Almaty city’s Akim, generals and officers who stood at the origins of the Armed Force of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by the First Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan Army General S.K.Nurmaganbetov, CSTO delegation, military delegation headed by the Chief of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant-General S.V. Bondarev, delegation of military Academy of USA (West Point), military attachés of countries near and far abroad, and many others. After visiting the Lyceum by the students of High Schools of Art and colleges of the Almaty city working and artistic attitudes have been established.
For physical development of lyceum students the modern multifunctional sports base was created which includes gym to go in for volleyball, basketball and etc., 25 meters long swimming pool, gyms to go in for boxing and wrestling, fitness room and etc. Equal opportunities provide the summer sports facilities, including football field with an artificial turf, tennis court, volleyball and basketball grounds, a magnificent gymnastic town and standard military obstacle course.
The army mode of life, existing specialized educational programme of teaching and an innovative base for basic military training which allow mastering the military science in a deeper way contribute to the formation of leadership skills, high discipline and self-confidence. Competent instructors – mentors from among reserve officers who have a great life and military experience – help them in achieving the set goals. There are 21 officers on service.
An important aspect of the basic military training programme is its practical orientation: lyceum students have an opportunity for studying within a month at the educational center of the Military Institute of Army Forces of Kazakhstan, acquiring practical skills of military craftsmanship in field conditions. These skills will help them while studying in the educational institutions of force structure.
March attention is paid to the formation and development of rituals and traditions at the Lyceum. So, the Lyceum has its own Flag like in military unit, emblem, oath of students, Code of honour, anthem and other items, attributes which identify the moral and ethical content of studies and life of Lyceum students.
An event on the occasion of administration of oath by the lyceum students has a particular importance in the Lyceum life. It is held on the forth Saturdays of April every year. Only the students of the 9th grades swear solemnly. This day is the Day of Lyceum. Significant support in the establishment and functioning of the Lyceum has the Board of Trustees headed by Timur Askarovich Kulibayev.
On April, 2013 President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev visited the Arystan Specialized Lyceum and highly appreciated the work of the Lyceum pointing out that this innovative and charity project is a good example of participation of private capital in expanding access to qualitative education for young people through the mechanisms of public-private partnership.
During the existence of the Lyceum there were six graduates. Our graduates have entered military educational institutions of Defence Ministry, the Border Guard Academy of NSC of Kazakhstan, Kazakh Interior Ministry Academy, military educational Institutions of Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, USA and Turkey.
Some of graduates have entered Nazarbayev University, KBTU, KazNTU, IITU and Eurasian University.
Education at the Arystan Specialized lyceum shows that students gain indispensable knowledge and proudly represent the Lyceum at the higher military educational Institutions of Kazakhstan and abroad. So the average grade of UNT is 92.52 in 2013, 99.13 in 2014, 99.86 in 2015.