Our attributes
Code of honour of the Lyceum cadet
Code of honour of the Arystan Lyceum cadet is a set of rules stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Lyceum student Oath which is transmitted from generation to generation as a tradition required to perform by each student.
Belonging to the staff of the Arystan Specialized lyceum obliges each student to respect the Lyceum cadet’s Code of honour which includes the following requirements:
1. To improve military skills constantly, to extend his knowledge, to strive to be comprehensively educated.
2. To be an example to his fellows in school and private life, to be exacting and generous, to care and respect personal dignity of elder and younger fellows.
3. To care about the increase of the Lyceum authority in society, prestige and significance of status of the Arystan Lyceum cadet.
4. To strengthen the unity and brotherhood by his behavior and doings.
5. To be proud to wear the Lyceum student’s uniform, to behave well at any conditions and situations by treasuring status, stand upon military ceremony.
6. To be true to Oath of cadet and to the profession of defender of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7. To be courageous, brave, honest, disciplined, be faithful to the duty to the Fatherland.
Serving to his country and his people is the highest goal and the meaning of life of the lycee!